First, I saw the announcement of Pandora on Windows Mobile.  Very cool.

Then, I was listening to Pandora while working, like I pretty much always do, and over in the "ads" section of the screen there were 2 links.  One for the Windows Mobile download, and one for a Vista Gadget.  There have been some 3rd party gadgets in the past that I really weren't too thrilled with, but this little guy is great:


Unfortunately, I can't find the darn link again to include in this post!  If I see it pop up again, I'll update this post to include the link.  Otherwise, just hit refresh a bunch of times and its bound to show up at some point!

Ho, ho, ho!  Merry Christmas!

UPDATE (12/17/2008 9:07PM ET): Ah hah!  Finally have the link for the official Vista Gadget!  Enjoy!

Also, tonight was the first opportunity that I had to test streaming Pandora through my Q9H to my Microsoft SYNC equipped Ford Explorer (using Bluetooth Stereo Headset support on the stereo).  I was very impressed with the stability of the signal.  I drove for about 40 minutes from Annapolis, MD to Centreville, MD with no drops or stutter (3G the whole way).  The audio quality is not great, it's slightly worse than Sirius Satellite Radio.  Not sure how often I will end up using it, but its definitely cool to have the ability.